Traffic deaths rise for the second year

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Traffic fatalities have been on a steady downward trend for the past half century. So, while the death toll has shockingly jumped for two years straight, it is important to remember that overall trends have them going down. But that does little to address the immediate concern of how and why these figures jumped so drastically in two years.

In 2016, 40,200 people are estimated to have died in traffic accidents. That is a six percent increase from 2015. Similarly, in 2015 the number of deaths rose by seven percent. That means in a two-year period; traffic fatalities rose by 13 percent, a substantial jump by any measure.

Experts point to some situations to explain the increase. Some blame the proliferation of smartphones and other devices for increasing the rates of distracted driving. But, much more argue that lax enforcement of seatbelts, drunk driving, and speeding are to blame. The deadly combination of these three factors still account for the vast majority of fatalities and are most likely to explain to the recent uptick in deaths.

Car accidents are one of, if not the, most common way in which people are injured in the United States. As such, there is a well-oiled machine to deal with 99 percent of injuries and accidents. But if you are one of the unlucky few who is severely injured and incurs substantial medical expenses, then you may want to contact a lawyer for assistance. The number of fatalities and injuries is rising due to a combination of low enforcement of drunk driving and increased rates of distracted driving. In these uncertain times, you should seek the assistance of an attorney to ensure that you get the compensation you need to pay for your long-term care.

Source: The New York Times, “U.S. Traffic Deaths Rise for a Second Straight Year,” Neal E. Boudette, February 15, 2017

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